Winston churchill family
Winston churchill children
Winston churchill childhood...
In 1940 Britain was in danger fighting Germany, a powerful enemy, in World War Two. And Britain seemed to be losing. But a leader came along to help the British fight back and win and he did it with the power of words!
His name was Winston Churchill.
Churchill came from a wealthy family and was a soldier, a journalist and then, a Member of Parliament, where he helped make laws.
Churchill was clever and determined but some people thought he was difficult and only interested in himself.
In 1939 World War Two started.
When the Prime Minister gave up his job, Churchill replaced him.
The war started badly for Britain.
Winston churchill quotesThe army lost battles against the Germans. Cities were damaged by German planes dropping bombs and many died. People looked to the Prime Minister to help them.
Churchill worked hard to keep people's spirits up. He made speeches played on the radio.
He visited towns which had been damaged by bombs. He met soldiers, sailors and pilots who were fighting in the war.