Steven spielberg movies

          Steven spielberg parents!

          Started Filming

          • Steven Spielberg was born on this date.

            Top 10 steven spielberg movies

          • Top 10 steven spielberg movies
          • Steven spielberg movies in order
          • Steven spielberg parents
          • Steven spielberg wife
          • Steven spielberg children
        1. After his father had recieved a video camera as a gift, Steven started his new hobby of filmmaking.
        2. Steven's first awarded amatuer film was "Escape To Nowhere".

          This caused him to realize that he wanted to be a director.

        3. During the summer Steven got an unpaying job at Universal Studios through his mentor Chuck Silvers.
        4. After shooting " Amblin' ", Steven got offered a contract to work at Universal Studios as a director.

          Steven spielberg net worth

        5. Period: to

          Making Proffesional Movies For a Career

          Steven Spielberg was and still is directing movies because it is what he loves to do.
        6. The story about an alien trying to phone home was brought to life in the movie E.T.

        7. The scary story of a little girl being taken by ghosts was fantasically done by Tobe Hooper and Steve Spielberg.
        8. Steven Spielberg brings his jewish heritage into this movie about Schindler savingthe jews