Biro pen
Laszlo biro pronunciation
Biro brand.
László Bíró – Inventor of Modern Ballpoint Pen
Bíró László József (1899 - 1985) was the inventor of the ballpoint pen as we know it today. Bíró László was born in Budapest, Hungary. He worked as an editor in the Hungarian newspaper Hongrie-Magyarország-Hungary.
While writing, he had problems with ink from fountain pens because it dried slowly and often smudged.
He also noticed that the ink used in newspaper printing presses dried quickly and didn’t smudge.
Hungarian inventor of ballpoint pen codycrossHe tried filling printing ink in a fountain pen to use for writing, but the ink was too dense, and it would clog the pen. So the ink was good, but the pen had to change. The idea for a pen came from a 40-year-old invention of John J.
Loud, an inventor from Weymouth, Massachusetts. Loud patented a pen with a relatively large metal ball at the point intended for use on surfaces that classical dip pens could not be used, especially leather. This pen was not suitable for writing, had no commercial value, and the patent lapsed in tim