What did alfred wegener discover

          When was alfred wegener born and died...

          Biography of Alfred Wegener

          Alfred Wegener (–) became internationally known for his heavily disputed theory of continental drift, which he formulated as early as Yet his exploration of Greenland, as well as his related work in glaciology and aerology, also makes up a considerable part of his multifarious scientific career as a meteorologist and geophysicist.

          Portrait of Alfred Wegener (–).

          When did alfred wegener die

        1. Alfred wegener wife
        2. When was alfred wegener born and died
        3. Alfred wegener theory
        4. Where was alfred wegener born
        5. Unknown photographer, n.d.

          Portrait of Alfred Wegener (–). Unknown photographer, n.d.

          © Deutsches Museum, Archiv (BN_)

          Used by permission.

          The copyright holder reserves, or holds for their own use, all the rights provided by copyright law, such as distribution, performance, and creation of derivative works.

          Wegener lived in a period of tremendous political and scientific upheaval and transformation.

          Born in Berlin, he grew up in the German Empire at a time that saw the advent of new technologies such as the airship, electricity and the automobile. At that time Max Planck and Alb