Curtis brown hockey salary
Curtis Brown's net worth / earnings / salary history: Earned US $10,, (US $18,, in today's dollars), ranking # in NHL / hockey career earnings....
Hockey player profile of Curtis Brown, Unity, SK, CAN Canada.
How about Curtis Brown (ice hockey)'s posit?
Curtis Brown (ice hockey) Posit: Forward
How about Curtis Brown (ice hockey)'s play_for?
Curtis Brown (ice hockey) Play_for: Buffalo Sabres; San Jose Sharks; Chicago Blackhawks; Kloten Flyers; EHC Biel
How old is Curtis Brown (ice hockey)?
When is Curtis Brown (ice hockey)'s birthday? Where is Curtis Brown (ice hockey) born?
The two-year deal was worth just $ million, with Brown stating that he signed for such a relatively low salary because he had already received money from.Where did Curtis Brown (ice hockey) grow up from? What's Curtis Brown (ice hockey)'s age?
Curtis Brown (ice hockey) Born: 1976 (age 48years), Unity, Canada
How about Curtis Brown (ice hockey)'s nhl_draft?
Curtis Brown (ice hockey) Nhl_draft: 43rd overall, 1994; Buffalo Sabres
How about Curtis Brown (ice hockey)'s nation_team?
Curtis Brown signed a 1 year, $, contract with the New York Jets, including an average annual salary of $, Contract Terms: 1 yr(s) / $,
Curtis Brown (ice hockey) Nation_team: Canada
How about Curtis Brown (ice hockey)'s play_career?
Curtis Brown (ice hockey) Play_career: 19942011
How tall is Curtis Brown (ice hockey) in meters or centimeters?