Forouzan golshani bio

          Directorate for Technology, Innovation and Partnerships (TIP) · Division of Innovation and Technology Ecosystems (ITE) · Innovation Programs....

          Forouzan Golshani Edit Profile

          computer science and engineering educator

          Forouzan Golshani, Iranian Computer science and engineering educator.

          Achievements include 9 inventions in field Co-founder Corporation Enhancement Group, Phoenix, , roz Software Sys., Inc., Scottsdale, Arizona, Member Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (senior, Distinguished speaker ), Computer Science Accreditation Board (team chair since ), Corporation Enhancement Group Phoenix (co-founding).

          Forouzan Golshani is the NCR Distinguished Professor and Chairman of the Computer Science and Engineering Department at Wright State University, with over

        1. REVIEWS · Video · TESTIMONIALS · Bio · credits · Press Photos · CONTACT US · THEY CALL ME MISTER FRY. Dr. Forzouzan Golshani.
        2. Directorate for Technology, Innovation and Partnerships (TIP) · Division of Innovation and Technology Ecosystems (ITE) · Innovation Programs.
        3. Forouzan Golshani is a professor of computer science and engineering at Arizona State University and the director of its Multimedia Information Systems.
        4. The new Editor in Chief shares his vision of where the field of multimedia is heading.
        5. Background

          Golshani, Forouzan was born on October 27, in Mashhad, Iran. Arrived in the United States, Son of Azizullah and Khadijeh Golshani.


          Bachelor of Science, Arya Mehr University of Technology, Tehran, Master of Science, University Warwick, Coventry, England, Doctor of Philosophy, University Warwick, Coventry, England,


          Project manager General Systems, Tehran, — Research fellow Imperial College, London, Professor co