Matthieu chedid songs download
DOWNLOAD, Original Artist Info Song: Qui De Nous Deux Album: M- Artist: M Guitarist: matthieu chedid Guitarist: matthieu chedid.
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Véronique Sanson, -M-, Pascal Obispo, Clara Luciani, Jean-Louis Aubert, Alain Souchon, Carla Bruni, Laurent Voulzy, Jeanne Cherhal, Vincent Delerm, Nolwenn Leroy, Ours, Sandrine Kiberlain, Julien Voulzy, Gael Faure, Pierre Souchon
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Anyone French could tell you that -M- was born Matthieu Chedid, the son of household-name singer Louis Chedid and the grandson of lauded Franco-Egyptian-Lebanese poet Andrée Chedid, a woman once described as ‘the voice of her generation’.
With his stage persona, his cartoon looking character and alter ego , -M- , Chedid has invented a unique blend of funk soul rock and transformed French chanson into something compl